Moscow Astronomy Club (MAC), back in the past called Moscow Amateur Astronomy Club (MAAC), was founded by Constituent Assembly in January,1994 on basis of common agreement of 90 amateurs from Moscow and Moscow region. MAC declared as independent, non-political and non-commercial organization with the main objective to community splinted amateurs for intercommunicate, observations, mutual help and progress of amateur astronomy in Moscow and Russia.
The main club activity chosen as follows: sky observations, computing, telescope making and educational work.
MAC works in according with Club-Law signed-up in January, 1994. The main Club form line is General Meeting. GM also is a Club's authority and working on principal of democracy. Each member of MAC has a right to submit for approval of other members whatever question and resolution on this item passes by plurality. It passed 28 meetings form moment of foundation till now. In May, 1996 Club name changed from MAAC to MAC.
form of activity is observing expeditions to places located out of Moscow border, i.e. to
Moscow region, and to other regions of our Country. Three trips to the Moscow region took
place during this period , each up to 20 peoples, and 7 expeditions to Caucasian
mountains, SAO observatory (up to 8 people each).
Club coordination work between General Meetins is Club Committee. It comes twice a year and if need, but not rare as once per month. MAC managed by Head, Deputy Head and two Councillors.
Club Committee include today following persons:
Head | A.Y.Ostapenko | |
Deputy Head | O.N.Sankin | |
Councillors: | O.N.Tchekalin | |
A.V.Sankovitch | |